Quotes From "The Last Testament Of Oscar Wilde" By Peter Ackroyd

The great advantage of really contemporary fiction is that one...
The great advantage of really contemporary fiction is that one finds oneself mirror on every page Peter Ackroyd
The great advantage of really contemporary fiction is that one...
The great advantage of really contemporary fiction is that one finds oneself mirrored on every page Peter Ackroyd
One can forgive Shakespeare anything, except one's own bad lines.
One can forgive Shakespeare anything, except one's own bad lines. Peter Ackroyd
Some drink to forget, I drink to remember. I drink in order to understand what I mean and to discover what I know. Under its benign influence all the stories and dramas which properly belong to the sphere of art are announced by me in conversation. Peter Ackroyd
Absinthe removes the bitter taste of failure and grants me strange visions which are charming principally because they cannot be written down. Only in absinthe do I become entirely free and, when I drink it, I understand the symbolic mysteries of odour and of colour. Peter Ackroyd
But just as my philosophy had ceased to interest me as soon as it was formulated into a set of principles so, when I saw myself being imitated, I realised at once what an incubus my aesthetic personality might become if I were to be trapped within it. Imitation changes, not the impersonator, but the impersonated. Peter Ackroyd